Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Girl Milieu Made An Etsy Treasury List!

Hey Everyone,

Exciting news...a shop owner on Etsy put together a treasury list of her favorite Halloween items, entitled:  "Halloween Is Coming" and she included Girl Milieu's Spider Web and Candy Corn Hair Pins on her posting!
This is such a hoot because this was one of the goals for Girl Milieu, to make it on a Treasury List..and Ta Da!
Please check it out and view all of the other sweet Halloween items posted on the Treasury List.

Here is a picture of the Spider Web and Candy Corn Hair Pins, AVAILABLE FOR SALE NOW!

Best of all the Treasury list Curator, SevimsDesign is from Istanbul and she makes beautiful jewelry.
Show some love to her Etsy site!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Peak-A-Boo Dress...

Last Night was the Wings Hawaii Fall Preview Fashion Show.  I helped a little bit sewing the collection and was asked to work the show.  But before all of that comes the biggest question of all...
This hasn't been much of an issue here in Maui considering the laid back "board shorts as black tie" attitude but I wanted to feel like myself, myself in Maui of course.  I hadn't planned on making anything until Sam (Wings Owner) asked me if I was going to make something for the show...
Ummmm....I guess now I am!
I had made myself a few pillowcase skirts to wear while I was here so I went to them first for inspiration.  Since I only had one day and was not in the mood to feel like a Project Runway contestant and crank out couture in 24 hours I decided that I already had half the dress, and that would do.  I took the vintage pillow case skirt I love and headed to Wal Mart in search of matching fabric.  Yes I said Wal Mart!  This would officially be the first time I've ever shopped for fabric at a Wal Mart but I was hopeful and desperate.  The perfect recipe for MAGIC or disaster!
It was hot and I didn't have much time to shop because I needed to sew! 
I found a beige fabric, hatched looking with brown specks in it.  Probably a cotton polyester blend... Beggars can't be choosers!  I went home sketched the bodice idea I was thinking of and began to make my pattern.  Having to measure myself was interesting and the fact that I am borrowing an older than water sewing machine from a friend, made this dress making affair go on a lot longer than I'd originally planned.  But it was Saturday and who wants to hang out on the beautiful Maui beaches when you could be inside sewing in the heat...MOI!
This was the best challenge for me, really.  I made a dress in a day and it was a representation of Girl Milieu, full on vintage style, classy, sexy and one of a kind!
At the fashion show I recieved a bunch of "Oh My God I love your dress"  compliments.  Or "The circle in the back is darling" and my favorite from one of the models at the show was, "Those are the exact sleeves I want on my wedding dress."  I humbly accepted all of the compliments, patted myself on the back for a job well done and beamed inside because churning this dress out in 24 hours was worth all of the hard work!
I named this dress, Peak-A-Boo, and it will be available on the Etsy site in a few weeks!